With climate change upon us, and summers getting hotter for greater lengths of time, many of our furry friends can suffer greatly. We supply ice pods for them to lie on (Scratch and Newton Ice Pods), and Snugglesafe Cool pads for bigger animals (cats and dogs). Dogs also have the option of dressing for the weather, with a range of diffent cooling coats. We stock several, but Kurgo cool coats have a lifetime guarantee, and are ones that we are really impressed by. They are definitely what our dogs will be using this summer ...
Keep your pet cool at home or in the car.
Keep your pet cool at home or in the car.
super absorbent coats that stop dogs over-heating
Dog Cooling Vest for when the temperatures soar
** exceptional quality, with lifetime guarantee **When it is hot outside, Prestige Cool-Coats keep your dog cool and refreshed for hours.
Cool-Coats make your dog feel cool, not wet. They use the heat taken from your dog's body to evaporate the water held in the coat - cooling him down in the process. Simple activate again by re-wetting the coat.
Essential for many small animals in hot weather!
The Scratch & Newton Ice Pod is the perfect item for when the temperature warms up a bit.
Designed for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas - but they don't mind if cats and dogs share them too. Even humans appreciate them when the thermometer rises ...