LATEX Disposable Gloves, Small, powdered, box of 100
Latex,box of 100
Protect your hands from everyday chemicals - detergents, oils, paints, flea drops etc - and to keep clean when gardening!
Boxes of 100
Use these to protect your hands against everyday chemicals - soaps, disinfectants, detergents, flea-sprays and flea-drops, and around the home when painting and decorating, and I use them when gardening too.
Latex tend to be more flexible than Vinyl gloves, but can cause your hands to smell of latex afterwards. Vinyl gloves are less flexible - but there are no residual odour problems after you have removed them.
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Latex,box of 100
Protect your hands from everyday chemicals - detergents, oils, paints, flea drops etc - and to keep clean when gardening!
Boxes of 100